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Gateway Industrial-Organizational Psychologists 

GIOP welcomes Dr. Paul R. Sackett: Revisiting Assessment Validity for Predicting Overall Job Performance

  • 04 Oct 2024
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute 8020 Forsyth Boulevard St. Louis MO 63105
  • 6


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Revisiting Assessment Validity for Predicting Overall Job Performance

with : Dr. Paul R. Sackett (University of Minnesota)

 Date: October 4, 2024

Location:  Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute (8020 Forsyth Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63105, paid parking available at in the 8027 building)

Time:  8:00 am to 10:00 am

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The talk will summarize recent published and as-yet unpublished research that Paul and his colleagues have conducted, illustrating a need to revisit prior assumptions in our field regarding the validity of various personnel selection procedures. The research revisits prior meta-analytic conclusions about the best predictors of overall job performance and illustrates that with different assumptions and methods for correcting for range restriction the rank order of predictors changes dramatically, with general mental ability (GMA) being far less predictive of overall performance than was previously reported.  Additionally, new meta-analytic research on 21st century criterion-related validity data demonstrates that GMA is even less predictive of job performance in today’s work environment.  Finally, meta-analytic data will be shared on the relationships between six selection methods (biodata, GMA tests, conscientiousness, structured interviews, integrity tests, and situational judgment tests) used in various combinations to predict job performance, and the effects of forming composites that do and do not include GMA on validity and adverse impact, with new insights into the validity-diversity dilemma. Networking time will begin at 8 and the presentation will begin at 8:30. 

Fees for this event are as follows:

  • $15 for Student GIOP members
  • $30 for Professional GIOP members
  • $50 for all non-members


This program is eligible for 1.5 CEU credits.

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